Arts & Wellness Wednesdays
for Edinburg Employees

In partnership with Human Resources, the Cultural Arts Division will host Wellness Wednesday activities exclusively for City of Edinburg employees. Join us to try something new and be renewed.

Relax. Paint. Be Well. - Wellness Wednesday Painting

Wednesday, May 22
Sekula Memorial Library Meeting Room
Sessions: 12-1pm OR 1-2pm
Includes a boxed lunch.
Registration is required.

Limit of 50 people per session.
Paint an original work of art under the guidance of instructor Kathleen Kelley and enjoy the artful company.

Guided Meditation

Wednesday, May 29
Edinburg Municipal Auditorium Stage
Sessions: 9:30am OR 3:30pm. 30 minutes each
Dr. Kim Finn leads you through exercises and a guided mediation that you take on the go! Bring your own yoga mat or use a provided chair. This guided mediation is easy to do even in your work clothes, so come join us.