Register for Honoring Memory: Miniature Altar Workshop

Creating altars allows me to enter the “bittersweet place” where I can tolerate the pain of loss and experience the joy and memories of my daughter Brandi.

- - - Suanne Goings

How to get started:

-intentionally choose items that evoke memories of the person you are honoring with your altar
-look around your home to gather memories
-family, friends, thrift store are other options

What you can use:
-a base: picture frame, small and/or medium size boxes, cigar box, book ornamental candle holder, etc.
-collectables and adornments:
photos, jewelry, keepsakes, books, keys, greeting cards, paper flowers, buttons, assorted colored and or printed
paper, mirrors, coins (“pennies from heaven”), votive candles, assorted small objects and trinkets, etc.
-super glue, white glue, wire, scissors

Please gather your materials before the workshop